At Inovar Floor, we not only inspire you with great flooring ideas. We furnish you with a complete flooring solution. Choosing your desired floor would be the initial step, but a floor would not be complete without fine complementing accessories. Keeping this in mind, you will be able to find accessories to customize or even colour-matched to the flooring decors that you have selected. Different types of profiles and various applications in different areas are available, giving you true peace of mind.
Adaptation Profile
For connecting Inovar Floor with adjacent lower surface or as a bridge to the gap between two uneven surfaces to create a smooth transition from laminate to wood, ceramic tile or vinyl etc.
Transition Profile
For bridging the expansion gap between floors of the same level.
End Profile
For proper borders of different floor levels when skirting is not used, in front of adjacent sills or sliding glass door channels, tiles, around fireplaces or other raised surfaces or platforms
Staircase Profile
Act as a durable trim for the treads and risers on stairs.
Finishing Profile
The perfect & seamless profile transition for your room-to-room installation. Exclusively patented & ease of use assured.
Skirting Profile
For covering expansion gap at the edge along the base of the walls. Available in various heights and materials